Engraved in Stone: A Brief History of Tombs and The Secret Language of Tombstones
Season 7, Episode 7
Walk this way, Dear Guests- Tonight's engrossing tale is the key to the history of graves and the silent language of tombstone symbols. The dead have much to teach us about being buried for thousands of years, and what we choose to engrave on their headstones, speaks volumes to those who know how to interpret these "silent as the grave" images. Grab a few tombstone cookies off The Hospitality Tray and make yourself at home! Welcome to The Midnight Library
Special Thanks to Sounds Like and Earful Music Supply for the amazing music AND sound design during this episode.
Patreon: Midnight offerings!! Make that Midnight Library offerings.-- Listen closely, and you shall hear of mysterious things, for you to hold dear. There are emblems, and bookmarks, and membership cards; there's spooky old music with the warmest regards.-- The Midnight Library is proud to announce the opening of our Patreon page, where everyone gets a perk (or several!) And, the offer of our magical theme music is now available as your very own eerie ringtone! (The Midnight Library is not responsible for any bewitching effect the music will cause...uh...may cause)
Merchandise available through Red Bubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/MidnightLibrary/shop