Midnight Library Music Tour!
Welcome Spooky Lovelies! Join me for 40 melodious minutes of music and polite talk about how and why each piece was chosen for the beloved characters and unique places found only in the world of The Midnight Library! This will be followed by a short Q&A session. I'm so glad you're here! Love, Miranda🐺💜🐈⬛ HEADPHONES OR EARBUDS ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Seaworthy Witches
Welcome, Dear Guest! Tonight's sumptuous topic is: Seaworthy Witches! The Hospitality Tray is dripping with water-logged delights! And there will be talk of maritime superstitions, historical water-witch lore, an ad by our fine sponsor, The Mystique, and the amazing story of Tam O'Shanter & The Cutty Sark! Also, Mr. Darling refuses to put his mouth on a slimy sea hag. Join us! (Life vests are mandatory and useless)
Podcast Hospitality Tray
Snuggle up in The Reading Room and settle in for a long, delicious treat, because tonight, 5 luscious guest hosts have arrived to let you sample their own, unique styles of storytelling! Miranda will keep you company and introduce you to each of them. They are: Icy Sedgwick from Fabulous Folklore with Icy. Al Ridenour and Sara Chavez from Bone and Sickle. Alasdair Beckett-King & James Shakeshaft from The Loremen. Richard Hatem from Richard Hatem's Paranormal Bookshelf. And Chris Cullari & Ed Voccola from Scared All The Time. Their stories range from personal...to maniacal. *BE WARNED! Scared All The Time's portion contains vivid descriptions of cannibalism. So there.
Death In Art
Welcome, Dear Guest! Bring your most critical eye (from your pocket or borrow one from a friend) because tonight we will examine 3 masterfully painted, fine works, featuring Death in Art! In each attention-grabbing artwork, Death will be portrayed differently and effectively. So effectively, well, you'll have no choice but to follow him (or her!). Don't be left in the dark, look them up in advance! -Death at the Door- by Adolf Menzel. -Death Playing the Fiddle- by Arnold Böcklin. And -Death and the Maiden by Marianne Stokes. Each promises to be a deadly delight. Join us!
The Vault of the Vampire
Welcome, Spooky Lovelies! How elegant you look in your vampire-inspired attire! Tonight, by candlelight, we shall visit grave after grave after grave until we've had our fill of all the bizarre batterings the bodies of the supposed vampires have sustained. They are many and grievous. From stakes through their heart to stones in their mouth, "vampires" know grave treatment. Join us!
The Mummers March
You know what must be done. You know what you must do. Reach way back into your closet and retrieve your black ceremonial robes -or- grab some glitter and a hot-glue gun! The choice is yours! Tonight Miranda will tell you all about the weird and wonderful history of Mummers...and where you can find and join in with them today... safely, of course...
The Werewolf of Bedburg
Gruesome Greetings Dear Guests! Please take note of our repeated use of the word "gruesome" for this wild and wonderful werewolf tale is not for the faint of heart. If, however, you have the stomach and guts enough to simply let such ghastly things splash all over you without batting an eye (or ear)- Well! Do we have a lurid legend to share with you! The Werewolf of Bedburg. And yes, Mr. Darling is fond of this story!
First Familiars: The Strange Story of Alice Kyteler
Welcome to The Reading Room, Spooky Lovelies! Imagine being accused of witchcraft because of the cute, little pets you own-- and that cute, little mole on your chin... and several of your spouses dropping dead while in your care. Please find your favorite spot in The Reading Room because tonight, Ms. Merrick has for you, the spellbinding story of the very first familiars, and the first witch in Ireland to be accused of having them in her service, Alice Kyteler. And yes, your familiars are certainly welcome in The Midnight Library!
Scared All The Time of the Midnight Library
Welcome Back, Spooky Lovelies! We begin tonight's reading with a dire warning about treading where you ought not to, specifically inside notorious haunted houses...and protected properties. But it seems no matter how many times Miranda warns the humans, they always think nothing bad will ever happen to them. Join us tonight as Ed & Chris from Scared All The Time ...fool around and find out in this, the premier reading of Season 11 of The Midnight Library!
The Great Moon Hoax of 1835
EXTRA! EXTRA! HEAR ALL ABOUT IT! Please find your favorite cozy spot in The Reading Room, Dear Guest! Tonight we have a special, surprising, and even shocking tale for you: The Great Moon Hoax of 1835! Have you ever wondered if there's really anything interesting on the moon? People long ago did too, and wow did they get the early scoop on the troop of wild beings that you're unlikely to be informed about in modern times. But never fear, we'll fill you in! Now, grab a wolf pup and listen up as we prepare to do a little moon gazing!
Spell of the Spider
Welcome, Dear Guests! Please come through quickly and find your favorite, cozy spot in The Reading Room. If you’re feeling a little itchy or antsy, that’s to be expected as tonight’s reading is on the subject of Spider Lore! So please ignore the tickling of the fine hairs on your neck and refrain from jumping or shrieking because we have many spiders to catch!
Pubs Most Haunted
Please come out with us for a little drink, won't you, dear guest? Tonight we're on the prowl for spooky pubs. Pubs Most Haunted! That's what you get when you build a public house on ancient Ley Lines or inside of the world's oldest, prehistoric stone circle. Oh, and it helps to have a load of shifty characters living there down through time, along with the performing of mysterious rituals, and a slew of dreadful murders. These components make troubled spirits feel right at home! Please take your seat...
The Bedtime Story
Back by popular demand! The Loremen return to The Midnight Library for a comforting slumber party! Well, that's probably not what they'll tell you, but maybe you shouldn't be so trustful of two strange men who call themselves "The Loremen". Tonight, James Shakeshaft & Alasdair Beckett-King find themselves holed up in The Red Room, and actually have the nerve to request a bedtime story to be told to them by your host, Miranda Merrick! (How else would we end up with a horror warning?) Please get cozy... and brace yourself
Essential Eccentrics
Is your uncle the one that makes little suits of armor for his pet squirrels- or is that you? There's a rumor that Miranda was raised by someone who insisted that their pet horse eat in the kitchen. There's a bishop in the village who wears a Batman costume under his holy robes (you didn't hear that from us though). Eccentrics are some of the most colorful people you may ever have the pleasure of knowing. Tonight, let us introduce you to some doozies! There's a natural-born showman in furs & jewels, a "Catch-Me-If-You-Can" wish granter, a pre-death funeral ride, and- a troublesome drunk... who may be... a horrid villain you've most certainly heard of! Please take your seat- and buckle up!
Bejeweled Skeletons-Bone Bling!
What will you wear for eternity? Will your bones go bare while others are dripping with gold and precious jewels? Probably. But let us fill you in on how some have come to be covered in a king's ransom of rubies and diamonds- and how you can see them! And, if The League of Lady Gravediggers have their way... how you can join them. Grab your favorite spot and hold on to your bones because things are about to get weird in The Reading Room as we introduce you to The Bejeweled Skeletons.
Pan! Ancient Goat-Horned God
Please choose your favorite spot in The Reading Room as we traverse the mists of time and call out to the legendary, robust, Greek God, PAN. Revel in his divine company and reap the lavish rewards of your sacrifice! Your haunting host, Miranda Merrick, will tell you of the rumored birth of the god, stories of his life and times... and just where you might look to find hints of his existence that linger on today. Don't be sheepish. Join us!
Divination- It’s What’s for Dinner, Season 10 Episode 2
Greetings Spooky Lovelies! We assume you received your personal dinner invitation for tonight's reading? Maybe you missed it. It was written in the red veins of the Sorrel lettuce on The Hospitality Tray last week. Oh well. You're here now, so please take your favorite seat as your scrumptious host, Ms. Miranda, fills you in on all of the sly and easy methods of Food Divination! Apples, onions, eggs, cheese, and bones will all be served at your service to find out everything you need to know. Bon(e) Appetit!
The Birth of Irma, Season 10 Episode 1
Tonight! The story so many of you have been asking to hear: The Birth of Irma! Just how did this little Sugar Booger come into being? From whence did she come? How did we all become so possessed by her? Join us tonight to hear the heated story of her Underworld origin!
Season 10, Special Announcement
Gather round, Spooky Lovelies! We have news (fabulous news!) about Season 10 and a very special little elf woman/child who’s totally NOT a demon! And, Miranda has a question for you: Are YOU one of The Midnight Library’s MISSING PERSONS? (Not like that! Well, maybe like that) Have a listen to this short but important message and find out! See you in The Reading Room!
Durable Mike Malloy
Greetings My Dear... Lone... Guest, I thought I'd have you in for tea on this beautiful, early fall evening... to discuss... MURDER. But, not just any murder... a slow, plotting, gentle murder... at least at first. The clueless victim didn't even realize he was being murdered, so that's better, right? We think so. Please, make yourself comfortable alone here with me and... enjoy your treats and tea. And everything... will be just fine... eventually.
Love, Miranda:black_cat: ps. wear gloves if you have them... for... reasons. Thank you for visiting and... I'm sorry