Q. Who is The Midnight Library for?
A. The Midnight Library is for those that prefer the more shadowy, mysterious things in life but maintain a sense of humor, albeit subversive... (Ever been told you’re “not a team player or that you’re an oddball”? Welcome to The Midnight Library) Think Gorey, think Burton.
Q. How do I get to The Midnight Library, where is it?
A. The Midnight Library is accessible to everyone who dares to visit. It’s just outside the work-a-day, run-of-the-mill Village of everyone’s life. It’s at the edge of town, by itself on a sprawling piece of land. You’ll have to walk a little to finally reach the dark but welcoming old Victorian mansion, but once inside, you can curl up in a window seat or beside the grand fireplace, relax, and be in the company of ...people who understand you
Q. Is there a way I can contact The Midnight Library?
A. Assuming you mean to submit compliments and praise- Scrying mirrors and messages whispered to soundly sleeping Ravens are your best bet. Alternatively, there’s electronic sorcery via: midnightlibrary666@gmail.com
Q. What is The Midnight Library?
A. The Midnight Library is a place where you can go to hear a spooky old tale or dreary story to warm your chilled, dark heart... just a bit. It’s a place to escape to. And for some, from.
Q. The hosts seem extra weird, what’s up with them?
A. How kind of you to notice. Miranda Merrick & Mr. Darling are old friends that…just don’t happen to fit well into polite society. They are pleased to have you in to hear a story though, just stay in the cordoned off areas and you should be fine
Q. Can I get some kind of souvenir, keepsake, or memento as a remembrance of my visits to The Midnight Library?
You mean like a shrunken head or something? You’re wEiRd… good…
Yes, now you can the angry mob with torches finally left and we were able to get to town relatively safely. Just visit this link: https://www.redbubble.com/people/midnightlibrary/shop
Q. Is The Midnight Library real? Are the stories real? Am I real?
A. The Midnight Library is very real...to us
A. The stories told at The Midnight Library are real...to everyone, or at least they are real to the historians (often the survivors) who documented them
A. We believe in you