The Foxy Fox Sisters

Season 5: Episode 1


  Welcome back, Dear Guests, to The Midnight Library.  Tonight, your host, Miranda, will introduce you to The Famous Fox Sisters!  Three wily women who took The Modern Spiritualist Movement by storm-

and left many a ghost in their wake.  From a haunted old farmhouse, mysterious coded raps from another realm tapped out messages that put the women in the spotlight to perform their supernatural craft, driving throngs of people to pay them to contact their dearly departed loved ones.  Please take your seat and meet:  The Foxy Fox Sisters





 Patreon: Midnight offerings!! Make that Midnight Library offerings.-- Listen closely, and you shall hear of mysterious things, for you to hold dear. There are emblems, and bookmarks, and membership cards; there's spooky old music with the warmest regards.-- The Midnight Library is proud to announce the opening of our Patreon page, where everyone gets a perk (or several!) And, the offer of our magical theme music is now available as your very own eerie ringtone! (The Midnight Library is not responsible for any bewitching effect the music will cause...uh...may cause)

Merchandise available through Red Bubble:



Stoked for Stoker! -Creating Dracula


Season 4 Bonus Episode: A Walk to The Midnight Library