Midnight Library Bonus: Miranda Answers Your Questions

Season 5: Bonus 2


Tonight as Mr. Darling slumbers in his den, Miranda shares the answers to some of The Midnight Library's most dedicated fans, its patrons. This rugged group of daring individuals has Miranda's undivided attention. Get a private peek into her ... mostly direct answers to their most burning questions: Can Irma control our dreams? How are the books in the library organized? Are there any mythological guardians in the library or upcoming readings about them? And who is the proprietor of The Broom & Fang Pub? These curious questions and more are answered for you tonight. Buckle in.





 Patreon: Midnight offerings!! Make that Midnight Library offerings.-- Listen closely, and you shall hear of mysterious things, for you to hold dear. There are emblems, and bookmarks, and membership cards; there's spooky old music with the warmest regards. If you would like bonus content, like Ask Me Anything’s with Miranda, or surprises you can’t even picture in your nightmares, sign up today.

Merchandise available through Red Bubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/MidnightLibrary/shop




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